Artemis 1 lunar rocket launch delayed again:
Reuters reported that at 12:00 p.m. Eastern summer time on September 3, NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) decided to once again cancel the ongoing countdown to the launch of the Artemis lunar rocket. This is the second time in the past five days that NASA has canceled the launch of its new generation, huge Artemis lunar rocket. Project Artemis is also the first step in an ambitious U.S. mission to explore from the moon to Mars.The countdown to the first launch had to be paused after engineers discovered a fuel line leak during preparations for the last launch. After emergency repairs, the fuel leak problem was solved. However, due to the delay of the last emergency repair, there was not enough time to complete other preparations before the countdown to the second launch. Charlie Blackwell, the chief launch officer of the "Artemis Project" No. 1, was not allowed to The cancellation of the second launch was not announced at 2:17 pm 3 hours before the scheduled time of the second launch, that is, three hours before the scheduled 2-hour launch window.NASA did not immediately announce the timing of the next launch of Project Artemis 1, but it is possible that NASA will launch again next Monday or Tuesday.The above report is from Reuters